About Me

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I'm a teenage girl who enjoys a variety of things, such as flowers, colors, piano, music, henna, writing, animals, reading, acting, creating, talking, moving, learning, smiling, and playing. This blog is about my life, interests, and observations.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

My Weird Facts!

I've been tagged by Kelli. I'm supposed to include in a blog 6 weird things about me.

Here are the details: Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as clearly state this rule. After you state your 6 weird things, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you're tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means. So here goes.

1. Okay, I never thought of this as weird, but apparently it is. I'll explain... in my Sign Language class, the teacher was explaining that when you're signing some one's name, you don't need to pay attention to every single letter that's being signed, as long as you get the main idea. This is how she said it. "For example, let's take... Lawrence. You don't pay attention to every single letter in that name, as long as you hear the main idea, right?" Well... I guess that's what's weird about me. When I hear a new word/name, I spell it out in my brain! That's how I remember it.

2. Whenever I stay up all night, I always ask my mom to make pancakes, in the morning. I don't know why, but that's what always sounds really good. Pancakes and a mocha. About an hour after I eat and drink, I'll most likely be asleep. Even after a mocha!

3. Ooh, that last Weird Fact just reminded me of another. I like coffee! Hehe, I've always loved the smell, but now I even get urges to drink it. Mmm. (My mom spoils me with our amazing coffee.)

4. I can stay up for 20 hours easier than I can wake up after getting 10 hours of sleep.

5. For about a month in my life (not now, but in the past), I had eaten only nachos, and I didn't gain a pound.

6. I cannot drink any other milk but 100% skim! Not even soy.


Okay, this is the hard part. I don't know who's already been tagged... I think I'll skip this part, but thank you. ;) I did all the facts, anyway! I hope you're satisfied!

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